10 Famous Quotes from Ancient Chinese Figures in English

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Ancient Chinese culture is rich with wisdom and insights from prominent figures throughout history. These historical figures have left behind a legacy of profound quotes that continue to inspire people even in the present day. In this article, we have compiled 10 famous quotes from ancient Chinese figures, translated into English, to showcase the timeless wisdom of Chinese culture.

1. Confucius

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."

- Confucius

Confucius, a renowned philosopher and teacher during the Spring and Autumn Period, emphasized the importance of finding passion in one's work. This quote encourages individuals to pursue their true passions and seek fulfillment in their careers.

2. Laozi

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

- Laozi

Laozi, the founder of Taoism, believed in the power of taking the first step towards achieving any goal. This quote serves as a reminder that every great endeavor starts with a small, courageous action.

3. Sun Tzu

"Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak."

- Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu, a military strategist, provided timeless advice on strategy and tactics. This quote emphasizes the importance of deception and perception in achieving victory, both on and off the battlefield.

4. Zhuangzi

"Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness."

- Zhuangzi

Zhuangzi, a philosopher from the Taoist school of thought, advocated for embracing contentment and letting go of material desires. This quote suggests that true happiness can be found by accepting the present moment and being free from the constant pursuit of happiness.

5. Emperor Kangxi

"It is easy to govern a kingdom, but difficult to rule over the hearts of the people."

- Emperor Kangxi

Emperor Kangxi, one of the greatest emperors in Chinese history, recognized the importance of gaining the trust and loyalty of his subjects. This quote highlights the challenges of leadership and the need for empathy and understanding towards the people.

6. Wang Yangming

"Knowledge is useless if it is not applied."

- Wang Yangming

Wang Yangming, a philosopher during the Ming Dynasty, emphasized the importance of practical application of knowledge. This quote reminds us that knowledge without action is wasted, and true understanding comes from putting knowledge into practice.

7. Li Bai

"The body is gone, but the poetry remains."

- Li Bai

Li Bai, one of the greatest poets in Chinese history, believed that through his poetry, he could transcend the limitations of mortality. This quote reflects the power of literature and art to leave a lasting impact even after one's physical existence.

8. Ban Zhao

"A wise woman is not one who allows herself to be stepped on like a mat, but one who refuses to be stepped on while being gentle like water."

- Ban Zhao

Ban Zhao, a historian and scholar from the Han Dynasty, advocated for the empowerment of women. This quote encourages women to assert themselves and stand up for their rights while maintaining grace and compassion.

9. Hua Mulan

"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."

- Hua Mulan

Hua Mulan, a legendary female warrior, exemplified courage and resilience in the face of adversity. This quote reminds us that strength and beauty can emerge from challenging circumstances.

10. Confucius

"The man who says he can, and the man who says he cannot are both correct."

- Confucius

Confucius understood the power of belief and mindset. This quote highlights the significance of one's attitude and self-perception in determining their ability to achieve success.


Ancient Chinese figures have left behind a treasure trove of wisdom through their famous quotes. These quotes transcend time and cultural boundaries, offering profound insights into human nature, leadership, personal growth, and more. By embracing the wisdom of these ancient Chinese figures, we can gain valuable perspectives and apply them to our own lives. We hope these translated quotes have inspired you to explore and appreciate the wisdom of Chinese culture.

Thank you for reading!
